Saratli Underground City
A great masterpiece, secret treasure and enchanting the individuals with distinctive historical tissue, Saratli Underground town is found Saratli city in Cappadocia. figuration the deep history, this mystic town is additionally known for miraculous fine arts structure.
As a result of several excavations, it had been discovered that long established history of this glorious underground town is predicated on the Rome (Byzantine) Era.
Within those times, town full-fledged several events just like the Crusades and Arab Invasions that were the vital wars created for faith. Therefore, the peasants designed several underground cities around the districts of Cappadocia to shield themselves against the war, attacks, and ill-treatment. They established the fascinating Saratlı Underground town as a defense. Those genius locals created an ideal mechanism and a novel handicraft once they designed it by adding secret tunnels connected with one another and ventilation. Today, this place among associate degree flow of tourists has opened for the guests once the renovations and excavations in 1950’s.

This underground town fascinates the many domestic and foreign tourists with its type of architecture that reflects an incredible ambiance as a result of it resemble the house of Medusa, mythological character with snake hair in ‘’Clash of the Titans movie’’.
When it’s checked out it’s building, this extraordinary masterpiece has seven stories, a water well moves to the door (kapı taste), storage space, bath, toilet, barn, a room and total forty splendid rooms.
You can see Cappadocia tours from Istanbul here.
Moreover, as a result of it had been used as a sanctuary and defense place, their area unit found several secret tunnels and galleries connected with the peasants’ homes so as to simply reach the underground town by mistreatment this passage against any attack from enemies. Also, its entry circular doors that area unit one.5 m tall, two hundred weight unit in weight and kind millstone area unit an area of this skillful system of the defensive town. as a result of the center a part of that door was hollow so as to shoot arrows, lance to the soldiers and send a message there’s a tangle or not.
Except for those options, the walls of this structure additionally hollow to place kerosine lamp that causes the place illuminate.